Visa Promotions
Keep up to date with the hottest promotions on Visa cards from OTP Bank. The fun starts here.

Travel in complete comfort and safety with OTP Bank and Visa.
Rent a car from anywhere in the world using SIXT, pay with a Visa card from OTP Bank and enjoy multiple benefits:
- Visa Gold - up to 10% discount on car rentals
- Visa Platinum and Visa Platinum Business - up to 10% discount on car rental and SIXT Gold account status
- Visa Infinite - up to 15% discount on car rentals and up to 10% discount on pre-booked travel with SIXT transfer, first class limousines and SIXT Platinum account status
How do you benefit from the offer? Very simple!
- Go to the SIXT website, using the link for the card you hold:
- Visa Gold
- Visa Platinum or Visa Platinum Business
- Visa Infinite - Indicate the address and dates of receipt/return.
- Check that the discount has been applied and deducted from the displayed price (this should happen automatically).
- Note that the SIXT Gold and SIXT Platinum benefits take effect automatically.
- Select the automobile and enter your personal details.
- Pay the reservation using your OTP Bank Visa card
- Finalize your reservation and enjoy your trip.
The offer is valid from 01.10.2023 to 25.10.2025.
Details here.

Drive in complete comfort and safety with Visa cards from OTP Bank and
At your disposal is a fleet with a wide choice of vehicles for every preference and need.
Moreover, if you are a holder of a Visa Platinum or Visa Infinite card from OTP Bank, you benefit from a -10% discount when reserving a car by using the promotional code VISAPREMIUM.
Don't hesitate. Go to, choose the car you like, pay with your Visa Platinum or Visa Infinite card from OTP Bank, and enjoy your planned trip.
Offer valid from April 1, 2024 to April 1, 2025.
Details here.

What could be nicer than starting your day with a delicious breakfast and ending it with an original cocktail? The pleasures of life will be lived to the fullest, which is what we suggest you do!
Visit Daily Dose, savor the unique atmosphere of the place, enjoy a cocktail and other goodies, and pay with your Visa Platinum or Visa Infinite card from OTP Bank and get -10% discount.
Choose to live tasty!
Offer valid from April 20, 2024 to April 20, 2025.
Details here.

Close your eyes and imagine:
A select restaurant, classic Italian and European cuisine, a menu of traditional dishes with a signature touch from an experienced chef, live music in the dining room for a unique atmosphere. Sounds nice, doesn't it?
And what if we also tell you that the Visa Platinum and Visa Infinite cards from OTP Bank also guarantee you a -10% discount on the food and drinks on the menu? Even better.
You can enjoy it all at Hugo restaurant, on Eugen Doga Street, 2a, Chisinau, Moldova.
Offer valid from May 1, 2024 to May 1, 2025.
Details here.

Relaxation and flavor.
That's what you imagine when you hear Tulip Residence & Spa.
New loft-style hotel, rooms ranging from standard to luxury, hamam, Finnish sauna, Thai massage - just what you need after a week's work.
Give yourself time for recreation, choose in your favor and pay with your Visa Platinum or Visa Infinite card from OTP Bank for a -5% discount by using the promo code VISAPREMIUM when booking on the hotel's official website.
Location: Tulip Residence & Spa, str. Arheologul Ion Casian Suruceanu, 17/2, Chisinau, Moldova.
Offer valid from May 1, 2024 to May 1, 2025.
Details here.

Cea mai bună investiție, este investiția în tine.
Anume din acest motiv, cardul tău Visa de la OTP Bank îți asigură o reducere de 15% la serviciile medicale din rețeaua de clinici ACIBADEM din Turcia.
Serviciile incluse în ofertă:
- Consultații medicale
- Analize de laborator
- Analize radiologice
- Controale medicale regulate
- Investigații
- Operații
Pentru a beneficia de ofertă, urmează pașii de mai jos:
- Informează recepționerul din cadrul clinicii Acibadem că vrei să beneficiezi de reducere
- Rostește codul promoțional VISA 6364 înainte de a efectua plata
- Plătește serviciile solicitate cu cardul tău Visa de la OTP Bank
Condiții și detalii suplimentare despre reducere:
- se aplică doar la plata cu cardul Visa de la OTP Bank
- nu se cumulează cu alte reduceri sau promoții
- nu este valabilă, atunci când cheltuielile sunt acoperite de asigurare
- nu se aplică în cadrul campaniilor sau acordurilor corporative
- nu poate fi aplicată după efectuarea plății
Perioada promoției: 10 august 2024 - 31 mai 2026
Descoperă lista tuturor clinicilor aici.
Detalii: acibadem și visa
Descoperă toate promoțiile pentru cardurile Visa aici.
Acibadem Healthcare Group este organizatorul campaniei și își rezervă dreptul de a aduce modificări campaniei sau serviciilor incluse în aceasta;
Acibadem Healthcare Group își rezervă dreptul de a anula orice reducere în urma acordului cu Visa, fără o notificare prealabilă, în caz de utilizare abuzivă sau activitate frauduloasă;
Visa și afiliații săi nu poartă răspundere pentru respectarea condițiilor campaniei.