Dear customer, on 14.03.2025, between 3 AM and 6 AM, OTP Bank will be carrying out maintenance work on IT systems in order to improve the quality of services provided. During this interval, the OTP Internet and Mobile Banking app will be unavailable. Thank you for your understanding.

Social responsibility



OTP Bank upholds projects in the field of healthcare for supporting the patients of our country, especially the suffering children with different deficiencies or which need palliative care, disadvantaged, ill  children, social inclusion of persons with special needs.


National Clinical Hospital for Children ”Emilian Cotaga” of Chisinau
During the last years, OTP Bank redirected the funds designated for the holiday gifts for its clients for the reparation of the hospital for children ”Emilian Coțaga” of the Institute of Mother and Child – Reanimation and Intensive Therapy department, Section of hospitalization for improving the conditions of examination and hospitalization, as well as the comfort of the patients and medical staff. The bank also made a donation of efficient medicines which are necessary for the treatment of severe burns, replenishing the medical institution available reserves. The granted support consisted in reparation works, changing the old windows and doors, installation of a performant ventilation system and improving the working conditions of the doctors. 


Public Medical Sanitary Institution „ Balti Municipal Clinical Hospital”
In 2018, OTP Bank implemented the social reparation project for the department of Pediatrics of the Balti Municipal Clinical Hospital, inclusively furnishing two rooms and re-arrangement of a playing room for the hospitalized children. The bank branches of Balti gave to children toys, books, stationery items for supporting easier the treatments and the hospitalization period.


Oncological Institute
Two sections of children of this hospital benefited of arrangements and reparation works for the improvement of the hospitalization conditions of the small patients. 


Social campaign ”Credem în #supereroi/We believe in super-heroes”
Acting with responsibility, OTP Bank donated to the Republican Clinical Hospital two last generation video-laryngoscopes and 500 sets of protection equipment.


The bank, additionally has undertaken a series of measures for the protection of its employees, clients and it develops an extensive information campaign for the public and its employees about the protection measures against COVID-19. As a token of gratitude for the efforts undertaken by the medical staff, it organized a flash mob for supporting the super-heroes together with the bank employees.