National Museum of Fine Arts
During its activity of 80 years of its establishment, the National Museum of Fine Arts contributed to the development of the national cultural patrimony being the host of thousands of exhibitions and important artists. Currently the National Museum of Fine Arts of Moldova holds more than 39 thousand pictures, sculptures, graphic and decorative art works which reflect the development of the fine arts in the XVth – XXth century. The sections consecrated to the visual artists of Moldova have a special place in the exhibition.
OTP Bank and the National Museum of Fine Arts of Moldova (NMFAM) – the only one specialized institution of the Republic of Moldova are tied through a beautiful partnership. Within this partnership, the Museum was the host for the exhibitions of the international consecrated artists, exhibited works of local artist in the museums of other countries, organized museum education exhibitions and projects. With the support of OTP Bank there also were organized events as the European Night of Museums and the International Painting Biennial, events which take place in all the museums of the world and which attract a very big number of visitors.
National Philharmonic "Serghei Lunchevici"
The National Philharmonic has become an important scene of the culture of the Republic of Moldova which carries out an extensive activity in the development of the different music genres: academic, popular, light music and jazz. Over the years the Philharmonic has been the host of memorable concerts of the great masters of the national and universal musical art, conductors, compositors, singers.
In 2020 year, the National Philharmonic "Serghei Lunchevici" celebrates the 80 anniversary, the moment which is marked by the introduction in the ranking of the most notorious specialized institutions of the CIS space according to the touristic portal „TurStat”.
OTP Bank supports the activity and the projects of the National Philharmonic "Serghei Lunchevici" as the main partner, promoting and capitalizing the national and universal music treasure. We have the honor to be the partner of the institution in promoting the excellence in music and the young talents by supporting the annual event „Gala Excelenței Muzicale 2019/Music Excellence Gala” and “Alexei Starcea” International Canto Academic Contest.
We discover young talents
Every year OTP Bank promotes the arts to its clients and employees within the exhibitions organized in some of the bank locations. Over the years, there were organized picture, culture and graphics, contemporary art gallery of the local and international artists.
The exhibition of the contemporary art ”Renașterea” (2015) brought to the fore novel artist of the new movement of modern art of Moldova being realized in collaboration with the modern and contemporary art gallery Vintage.
The exhibition of sculpture, art and graphics with the main title „Susţinem EXCELENŢA/We support EXCELLENCE. Because it is #correct” (2016) with more than 100 sculptures of bronze and pictures signed by the artists of Bronze-Elite workshop, many works were exhibited for the first time.
„Flori şi muzică pentru femei/Flowers and music for women” (2017) offered to OTP Bank by organizing an inedited exhibition of art and wood sculpture signed by plastic artists of the Republic of Moldova with the support of the Cultural Centre ”Artelit” and Bronze-Elite workshop.
OTP Bank together with the National Philharmonic "Serghei Lunchevici" were the host for the exhibition of the plastic artists of the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine - ”Reflecții de primăvară/Spring reflections” ( 2018), in partnership with the Cultural Centre ”Artelit”.
The Art vernissage consecrated to the talented children of the Academic Lyceum of Fine Arts „Igor Vieru” of the capital - „Culorile primăverii/Spring colors” (2020).